2022 Buck Pool
We have a winner!
Congratulations to Slyavian Gormley whose buck scored a whopping 173 inches!
A big thank you to everyone who came out to the buck pool, and to Tavern 618 and Copeland's Family Tree Service for helping us to host the 2022 Buck Pool for Heagy Taxidermy!
Some great trophies came in and allowed us to take some pictures. Remember you can still bring your buck from ARCHERY & RIFLE to be entered into the pool, just give us a call to stop by the shop to get ‘em scored. Bucks can be entered until December 11th (Sunday after the end of rifle).
Top bucks in typical, non typical and youth categories will receive a free shoulder mount, winners will be posted on December 11th!
Congrats to everyone who is already tagged out and good luck to those still hunting.